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春節菜單 8 Course Recipes

(點菜名進入食譜, Click course names to see the recipes)

1、皇家水晶凍 Royal Crystal Jelly 
2、芝麻溫沙拉 Sesame Warm Salad 
3、如意蘿蔔湯 Auspicious Carrot Soup 
4、薑香黃金歲 Turmeric-infused Golden Age 
5、迎春三色干絲 Spring Welcoming Three-color Shredded Tofu  
6、豐收蕈菇飯 Bountiful Harvest Mushroom Rice
7、三彩天貝 Tri-color Tempeh 
8、黑糖豆奶酪 Black Sugar Soy Pudding 













每道菜雖然都吃得少少的,但積少成多,由此可見,外食的總熱量更可觀 (連想都不敢想!)






  1. 使用適當大小的餐具,容量越大,盛裝的份量就會越多
  2. 夾菜時,每道菜先盛1~2口的份量,吃完後再拿
  3. 慢慢吃,細嚼慢嚥,飽足感比想像中還慢出現,如果吃太快,容易忽略身體的訊號,導致過飽
  4. 烹飪時,減少食譜書上建議的油、糖、鹽量
  5. 減少甜點的分量,少量品嘗反而更令人回味無窮
  6. 減少炸物、勾芡、含油量高的餐點分量
  7. 吃完晚餐,一起去散步吧,有助於血糖的控制




This Lunar New Year, we have meticulously curated a selection of eight delectable dishes from our favorite cookbooks, designed to promote both culinary delight and optimal health.

During the Lunar New Year festivities, commercially available plant-based dishes often fail to meet our nutrition expectations, laden with thick sauces abundant in salt, sugar, and high-heat processed oils.

Therefore, with a commitment to achieving equilibrium between nutritional integrity and gastronomic satisfaction, we have meticulously compiled this recipe collection.

Our ingredient selection prioritizes those rich in essential nutrients such as calcium, fiber, and protein, aligning with the principles of the 2-1-1 plate concept—emphasizing the proportional consumption of Vegetables/Fruits, Protein, and Grains. Simultaneously, we have minimize the excessive utilization of fats and highly processed condiments, thereby alleviating burden on our health.

8 Course Recipes

(Click course names to see the recipes)

1、皇家水晶凍 Royal Crystal Jelly 
2、芝麻溫沙拉 Sesame Warm Salad 
3、如意蘿蔔湯 Auspicious Carrot Soup 
4、薑香黃金歲 Turmeric-infused Golden Age 
5、迎春三色干絲 Spring Welcoming Three-color Shredded Tofu  
6、豐收蕈菇飯 Bountiful Harvest Mushroom Rice
7、三彩天貝 Tri-color Tempeh 
8、黑糖豆奶酪 Black Sugar Soy Pudding 


Nutritional Analysis

These eight dishes can satisfy these daily needs:

55% of the recommended protein intake

67% of the recommended dietary fiber intake

76% of the recommended magnesium intake

57% of the recommended calcium intake

76% of the recommended iron intake

The variety of dishes means you only need to take a small portion of each to avoid feeling too full.

Because each person's portion size is reduced, the same dish can be shared among more people. We've thoughtfully increased the serving size for each dish to avoid cooking too much and feeling uncomfortable due to overeating.

Did you know?

These eight dishes add up to 875 calories! This is mainly because there are so many dishes. (But if there were fewer dishes, it wouldn't be Lunar New Year cuisine!). Although each dish is eaten in small portions, the total calories add up. 

Among these dishes, the highest calorie content is in the "Auspicious Carrot Soup" because it uses coconut oil and a large amount of coconut milk. Please feel free to replace it with soy milk or oat milk to reduce overall fat intake.

Next is the "Sesame Warm Salad" dressing, which contains a lot of peanuts, which falls into the category of fats.

The solution is to add more water to the salad dressing to dilute it and then reduce the amount used. However, it's worth mentioning that compared to refined oil, grinding nuts into paste retains fiber, which can reduce calorie absorption, so the actual calorie absorbed is relatively low.

Finally, whether you're cooking at home or dining out, following these principles can help reduce overall energy consumption:

  1. Utilize appropriately sized plates and bowls. Research indicates that individuals tend to consume larger portions when using larger dinnerware.

  2. Practice mindful portion control by initially serving oneself with a modest 1-2 bites of each dish, and then repeating this process for subsequent servings.

  3. Encourage mindful eating habits, emphasizing the importance of eating slowly and attentively. Delayed satiety signals may lead to overeating if one consumes food too rapidly, disregarding cues of fullness from the body.

  4. Adopt a health-conscious approach to cooking by reducing the quantities of oil, sugar, and salt recommended in recipes (with the exception of baking recipes).

  5. Consume dessert in moderation.

  6. Consume fried foods in moderation.

  7. Walking for 30 minutes after a big meal can help regulate blood sugar levels.

Wishing you a happy Lunar New Year, good health, and lots of positive energy!


  1. 舌尖上的滋味|作者:吉村昇洋|翻譯:沙子芳|出版社:商周出版
  2. 培仁家|作者:王培仁|出版社:維摩舍文教事業有限公司
  3. 自然好食小廚房|作者:艾咪.卓別林|翻譯:戴雅秀|出版社:日月文化出版股份有限公司
  4. 補充特定營養素的全植物蔬食料理|作者:高韻均、蕭煜達|出版社:漫遊者文化事業股份有限公司

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烹飪與撰寫:陳婷鈺營養師 、陳沁羚行銷企劃

